Monday, 3 June 2013

Being haunted by big purple ball of yarn.........

Damm boy.

Let me explain......

Jason (DP) came in to see me in hospital tonight, 
so after 4 days of 24hr call he finally got to come in & brought me hugs!

He also brought me this!

The 400g monstrosity of purple varigated acrylic yarn that haunts my nightmares!!!!!

780m of possibilities. .... what the HELL am I going to do with this?

He said " I thought you'd like some yarn to keep you occupied. Did I get the right one? "

How could I say no?


  1. He tried!! :) I'm sure you can figure something out, with your crochet skills, and maybe make a lovely blanket and donate it to the baby wing in the hospital where you are staying.

    1. True. I didnt think of that!.

      We shall see.....
