Apart from the GF, we also discovered I was
*nut free *tomato free
*mushroom free *wheat free (different from gluten free)
and supposedly lactose free
so this limits my options when it comes to meals
It became so hard for me and SO to be able to share a meal that he now does Light&Easy, and I cook for myself.
After looking at the cupboard yesterday, I've decided I really need to cut down EVERYTHING that is in it, and not buy anything more until this is under control. So instead of "Stash-busting" I am "Food Stash-busting". There are going to be a couple of crazy meals, i can tell.
Tonights meal? Crazy Bits Pizza
I think we have all made this in the past. Remember when you made pizza with muffins, or just a piece of bread, grabbed what leftover you had, and treated it like a pizza? well its soughta the same here.

as you can see, its only small, but it is an actual GF pizza base. They come in a pack of 3, but if you dont use them all at once, the other two start to smell sour and funky within 24hrs.
The Pizza is all leftovers - left over luap-cshong sausage, leftover hot chook, spare green beans, Avjar paste (capsicum paste instead of tomato paste) and two small cheese sqs leftover from SO's L&E this wk and cut into strips.
The yellow pile next to the pizza is leftover Corn Couscous from the night before.
so YUMMO - and a perfect for a saturday night meal.
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